TSA Inspector Gets Searched And Busted For Stealing iPads

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Hold on to your iPads, the TSA is in the news again. This time the tables were turned and a TSA inspector was the one getting searched. Apparently the TSA inspector wasn’t aware that the iPads he is accused of stealing could be traced.

In January, a traveler reported his iPad stolen and traced it to a home Bedford, Texas. The trace led the police directly to the home owner, Clayton Dovel, a TSA inspector at DFW airport.

Additional reports surfaced of stolen iPads. When Dovel was arrested, the police discovered another iPad that was traced to a traveler that traveled through DFW’s Terminal E in May. Dovel was arrested on February 1, 2012 and suspended indefinitely.

The TSA responded to the WFAA that

‘The employee has been placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation” and “‘The action of one individual in no way reflects on the outstanding job our more than 50,000 security officers do every day.”

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  1. Another TSA joke…contrary to their statement, it DOES reflect on all of them. Who hires these clowns?

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