We are continually amazed at the momentum Points, Miles & Martinis is making. From its humbling beginnings in 2009 over on Blogger, Points, Miles & Martinis is starting to gain real traction. Readership continues to grow month to month as we continuously strive to provide more useful and interesting content for our readers. Since the last time we mentioned a word about Points, Miles & Martinis our unique page views have doubled. We are proud of the growth yet humbled at the same time.
Amazing how fast we’ve moved up the Technorati rankings in 4 months. Last time we mentioned it, we were tied for #122 in the travel section. Now we are up to #28 and in good company.

By A Nose
We know that only timely, valuable and relevant content will continue to keep you coming back.
The Points, Miles and Martini’s Team Has Grown
To continue the momentum, we’ve recently added Alex to the Points, Miles and Martinis team. You’ll notice a post from him when the “posted by” under the title says Alex vs The Weekly Flyer.
Alex loves to travel. He does it a lot and does it well. He’s logged over 100,000 flight miles for the past 4 years. Alex uses points and miles to power his passion. He has a slightly different approach to travel that The Weekly Flyer. He strives to experience the far reaches of the globe.
He’s already shared with us a few trips among many other things.
- An Arctic Adventure to Barrow Alaska
- 13 Nights in Hawaii at the St Regis PrincevilleÂ
- Top Ten complimentary upgrades at SPG on award nights
- Preview of his trip to Japan at the Westin Kyoto and Park Hyatt Tokyo
Alex has confessed to being a 2 year Boarding Area lurker, reading the blogs daily and learning so much but not knowing how and where best to contribute. Alex’s lurking past and knowing there are many of you like him out there, has inspired us to launch our next Giveaway.
“Let’s hear from the Lurkers!†Giveaway
As we continue to grow Points, Miles, and Martinis, we want to discover new perspectives to better tailor our content.
- Specifically, we want to hear from you Lurkers (and non-Lurkers)
- We’re asking you to share with us what you’d like to see more and less of here on Points, Miles & Martinis
So we are putting our money where our mouth is and placing a $50 Hyatt Gift card on the line!Â
Who is a Lurker
You are a frequent reader, but an infrequent commenter on Points, Miles and Martinis.
Promotion Details
- One winner will be selected at random
- Submissions will be accepted up until Tuesday, March 12 @ 8 PM EST
How to participate in the Giveaway
Leave a comment on this post with the following information:
- What do you like the most about the blog?
- What do you like the least about the blog?
Candid and constructive responses are greatly appreciated. We want to know how we can do better!
Thanks for reading and participating in our little promotion.
Sign up to have blog posts sent directly via email, join us on Twitter and Facebook or check back with us at Points, Miles & Martinis
I like trip reports and I’d like to see more in depth blogging about how much money was spent on trips and all the details etc!
Thanks for a great blog!
I like all the reviews on Hyatt’s as that is the hotel I am loyal to at the moment. I’d love some information on how to do status matching. My boyfriend has SPG highest level status, but is having to stay at Marriott right now for work, so I’d like to know about the challenge to get him top level Marriott status
Hi Sara – That is a great data pount for all hotels. Will be sure to include that going forward.
Hi Kelly – I’m working on a Hyatt Series that will be posted soon. It will be a recap of my journey to Diamond status using a challenge and to maximize the current promotion. Hopefully this will help.
Hi Bob – Strategies and trip reports go hand in hand. The culmination of the strategy if you will.
Hi Dayswim – Will do my best to tip toe the fine line of credit cards. Is definitely a huge way to earn points and miles.
Same as other “Lurkers” — Less Martinis (Happy Hour Posts), more Miles and points.
Also, love Alex’s “Top 10 …” It is a great summary for luxury SPG hotels.
More trip reports and CC strategies for those of us who are not Diamonds etc! Less in the way of the Happy Hour reports!
Love the talk about points and miles, not so much about the martinis (I’m not much of a drinker myself).
I like that you cover most of the topics, however sometimes your advise is just too basic (like stay at two different hotels instead of a 2-night stay…).
Just mistyped my emai. this post is with the correct one
Like the trip reports, and would like to see more of this type (perhaps more in-depth review of your Diamond status benefits at different hotels, etc.). Not so keen on the “Happy Hour” posts.
I love the trip summary format.. Brief & to the point.
I like the trip reports. Martinis, not so much.
I love all the useful info I find and the trip summaries. I don’t like that there are not enough photos. (at least for my taste)
More trip reports. Less Happy Hour posts.
My favorite posts relate to strategies for getting hotel/airline points. My least favorite posts are about the drinks.
Like the trip reports and point earning opps. Least like – more posts.
I like the quality of the photos (the unique focus/standpoint anyway), but dislike how there are so few of these. But then again, quality > quantity.
I absolutely love your detailed and informative posts about hotel programs, e.g. this one from yesterday – http://pntsmlsmartini.wpengine.com/2012/03/booking-a-suite-award-night-at-hyatt/. On the other hand, I kinda dislike how there are so few of these giveaways (yes, I know it’s hard… but I mean everyone loves giveaways 😉 ).
I like the reviews, and wish there was more content on the lower level hotels. I know they’re not sexy, but are more attainable for some of us. I would especially like to hear about “hidden gems”: hotels that may be under-priced in points.
Thanks for posting about MULTIPLE elite status on Hotels. More like this please. And for the record, I like your “drinks” section.
Like the information on maximizing points. Dislike the drink photos.
I would like to see more info for the average traveler (2 weeks or less for travel per year) and less info on the top category elites who travel almost every month.
Today’s strategy for upgrading at Hyatt resorts is an excellent example on useful tips. I’d be interested in how to take advantage of all my United miles (400k) to utilize Star Alliance partners for the best business class travel to Italy from east coast with a fun city stopover on the way there. Great blogs – thanks!
I’d really like to see more posts on how to get more bang for your buck when using/redeeming points!
What do you like the most about the blog?
I love tips on how to calculate how much your points / miles are worth.
What do you like the least about the blog?
It seems like so much information to take in! I’m a casual business traveler and often don’t take the time to look into how much value I am getting for my trip. I read this blog when posts are new, but I rarely come back and don’t spend a lot of time looking up historical stuff.
What do you like the most about the blog?
That it works to be different from the many other Boarding Area blogs, all of which are high quality, in a very crowded field.
What do you like the least about the blog?
Too little emphasis on financial numbers because I can’t charge my stays to my company as most here can.
I enjoy the room pictures and hotel descriptions. Not much into drinks so I skip that part. Info on getting as many hotel points as possible is my main interest. Keep up the good work!
I looovvveee the tips and tricks section!!
I haven’t found anything I don’t really like yet.