As reported by, a passenger flying on American Airlines Flight 408 was reportedly kicked off the flight when she complained that a flight attendant was rude to her. Here is the excerpt from KATU, you can also watch the videos here.
Video: Flight Attendant Kicks Passenger Off American Airlines Flight For What?
“PORTLAND, Ore. — Bill Byrne was sitting one row behind the woman who was kicked of American Airlines Flight 408.
“I’ve seen people who deserve that but never actually seen somebody thrown off a plane,” Byrne told KATU.
He recorded video on his cellphone of the incident. The woman can be heard crying, asking flight attendants what she did wrong.
Moments later, you can hear many passengers booing the flight crew.
“It was nuts, and that poor woman was so upset. She handled it well, but you could tell it was super embarrassing for her,” Byrne said.
Passengers seated toward the front of the plane reported what could have been a miscommunication between the woman and a flight attendant who needed the aisle to be cleared.
Byrne did not see the possible exchange between the woman and that flight attendant who later ordered her off the flight. Another passenger on board told KATU she will be filing a complaint with American Airlines, disappointed in the way the flight crew treated the passenger.
A spokesperson for American Airlines told KATU the airline is aware of the video and is now investigating the events leading up to the flight attendant’s decision to kick the woman off the plane.”
Here is what happened as reported by burnsie3000 via YouTube,
“After this girl didn’t hear Tim (flight attendant in aisle) ask her to move to let someone by near the front of the plane, he raised his voice, which surprised and upset her. She apologized to him, took her seat in front of me, but then called another attendant over to say Tim had been rude to her. Tim saw this and had her thrown off the flight! Afterward about 20 of us grabbed the pilot at the gate to complain, this shear number shows Tim was way out of line and was just being an ass. USAir/American Flight 408, October 11, 2015. The girl was in seat 20F. Don’t fly these airlines!!”
Bottom Line
What do you think of this video and the behavior of this crew? What do you think that American Airlines response should be to this incident?
HT: AAdvantageGeek
We need to issue the air hostesses body cameras for the protection of the public.
Maybe Tim was on a power trip. Instead of resolving the situation, he escalated it. Was he the purser? I didn’t know he had the final say. Thank goodness for smart phones.
If this woman was seated in 20F, why was she blocking the aisle in the front? AA’s response should be the truth. The Captain has the final say on disruptive passenger removal. This does not mean Tim was or was not on a power trip, but if someone insists on blocking the aisle during boarding, they should be told to sit somewhere. Passengers deserve an ontime departure or arrival. It would be different if this woman chartered the entire plane and crew, but she didn’t. So, instead of inconveniencing a planeload of passengers, only one is inconvenienced. I guess she learned how to behave on her new flight.
JJ … the guy with the smartphone only recorded half of the incident. Don’t you think it would be helpful to know the whole story before rendering an opinion?
And Danny, they are Flight Attendants. I don’t know how Tim would feel about being called a “hostess”. And their primary job function is to assure the safety and comfort of all the passengers on the plane. They are hostesses, hosts, waiters and waitresses. They are trained in CPR, use of the onboard defibrillator and oxygen bottles, and to react quickly and decisively in all manners of emergency.
Thanks Vince for keeping it real. Sounds like you have imagined yourself right there on the plane keeping everyone level headed. Nice job. Shame on the people on the plane who actually saw and gave their feedback on what happened. Those flight attendants weren’t kicking the woman off the plane; they were handing out CPR and oxygen bottles.
It’s not the behavior of this crew that needs to be investigated. There is a REAL reason behind why this woman was booted off the plane and she should be EMBARASSED!!! Do you really think American Airlines would support booting her off the plane if she was really innocent? Use your brains people!