American Express Offers for You are a fantastic way to save money on items that you might have purchased anyway. If you keep track of which of your Amex card/s have which offers and use the right card to make your purchases, you can really rack up the savings. I had several new Amex Offers for You in my account this week. Here is what I had. Be sure to add these to your eligible card/s if you think that you can use them and post a comment if you had anything different.
Some New Amex Offers For You!
How To Get These Amex Offers For You
If you are new to American Express Offers for You or don’t have an American Express card yet, start here. You must have an eligible American Express Card and then add the Offers For You to your registered card to get the statement credit. Most of the Amex cards have the Offers for You, including popular cards like the following:
Bottom Line
Check your account for these new Amex Offers! I love Amex Offers for you and save so much money! Post a comment if you have anything different so far this week.
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