Many stores offer the option to buy online and pick your items up in the store nearest you. Buying online instead of the store allows you to earn extra points, save on shipping and get your gifts faster than if you had them shipped to your door.
Here’s why I do it:
- This way you can go through the shopping portals to get extra points for your purchases
- You save time and frustration waiting for someone to help you in the store
- When you arrive to pick up your items, they are waiting for you, you don’t have to wait in line for check out
One Recent Example:
The weekend after Thanksgiving, I was looking at one of Best Buy’s TV deals. Rather than go into the store, I tried buying it online and picking it up in the store closest to my home. It took me less than 10 minutes to go pick it up. The asked me for my credit card and ID and told me to pull up my car. They brought it out in no time and saved me a lot of hassle. The best part was seeing the extra points hit my Chase account!
Online Purchase – – $799.99
Bottom Line
If you know the items you’d like to buy, using the approach above to buy it online for pick up in the store can earn you more points. This is a great way to save on shipping if the store doesn’t offer online shipping and you can get the extra points from going through the portals.
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In theory, this should work for amex biz OPEN cards at office max. 10% cash back if you spend more than $250 online.