You Know You Have A Travel Problem When…

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I boarded the first flight of the day contemplating my current and upcoming travel schedule.

It dawned on me that the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. Some of the reasons one might have a travel problem appeared on the itinerary for the next few days.

You Know You Have Travel Problem When…

  • You leave on the first flight of the day only to turn around and catch the last flight of the day back to where you just came from
  • Your last flight of the day gets you home in time for a 12 hour layer before you have to catch your third flight in a 36 hour period
  • You are too busy un-packing and packing to get a full nights rest in your W hotel bed at home
  • Your third flight in two days gets you to a destination for a quick 48 hour catch up with friends and family
  • You get better sleep in a hotel bed than at home, even though it’s the same mattress
  • After a 48 hour jaunt, you get home in time for an 8 hour layover with only enough time to pack, repack and catch a few hours of sleep
  • You look forward to the plane flight and hope for the upgrade just so you can get about as much sleep as the night before
  • You catch the first flight of the day, get the upgrade but instead of catching up on the sleep you missed the night before, you will probably search ITA software to find some creative routing for the next week’s international journey
  • The meal from your home town airline is the closest thing you’ll have to a home cooked meal in the next two weeks


  • You know the SkyClub bar tenders better than the ones at your local watering hole


  • You head to the airport, not to fly, but to stand on top of a gate to take pictures of planes



So I was just thinking today, I wonder what a travel problem would look like, and how many people out there have one? 😀

A wise man once said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” And I must say, life moves pretty fast at the speed of travel. Enjoy the flight tonight!

a close up of a boat

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About The Weekly Flyer

The Weekly Flyer writes about travel from a business traveler perspective. He travels the world every week accumulating points and miles along the way.

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  1. 99 problems, but a flight ain’t one!

    Sky Club snacks and Starwood Club munchies are part of a somewhat nutritious diet. And I agree that packing takes away from sleep. Last time I turned a TV on at home or a hotel was during 9/11. Time may be better spent sleeping flat, you never know when a red eye in coach is coming…

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