Delta CEO Saves Day – Gives Up Seat To Mother

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Via Mrs Frank’s open letter to CEO Richard Anderson on Facebook it appears Richard Anderson, CEO of Delta Airlines, saved the day for the mother trying to get home to pick up her daughter suffering from Type 1 Diabetes.

I was 8th on the standby list, showing 0 seats left. I was about to give up, but the counter agent stopped me from leaving. He called 7 names… and then, finally, I was the last to be called. As we rushed down the jetway, the flight attendant at the plane shook her head – not a good sign – but then paused, talked to someone, and waved us down anyway. A vaguely familiar face met me at the doorway, not in uniform so probably an off-duty pilot I had seen before. He quickly grabbed my roll-aboard, helped clear a space in the overhead, and showed me to my seat.

It was important for me to get home – not important enough to tell anyone – but Friday I was to pick up my Type 1 Diabetic 12 year old from her diabetes summer camp. I’m sure she would have been fine if someone else had shown up in my place, but it’s a special moment for me. Camp Kudzu gives my daughter 5 days a year when she feels “normal.” Pick-up day gives me a glimpse into that special world where she’s just like everyone else, and she’s a little bit of a different person for the rest of the day

Bottom Line

Another way in which Delta has shown they are an airline run by people that serve people and they are good at what they do.

Another take away is that no matter what number you are on the stand by list, don’t give up. Mrs Frank was number 8 on the stand by list with 0 seats showing available but she was able to make the flight. 

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The Weekly Flyer writes about travel from a business traveler perspective. He travels the world every week accumulating points and miles along the way.

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  1. Seriously? BY the people that SERVE the people?

    Please, step back from the kool-aid.

  2. Not disagreeing there – I have many friends who work for Delta and they are my primary airline for my business travel. They treat their employees well and I do see that carry thru to the customer, however, as an ATL based Silver who flys mainly ~500 mile routes 70% of the year, the numerous devaluations to Zone 1 and the Silver program are NOT serving the people. It’s almost like punishment for living in a hub city.

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