As I was writing my post yesterday, Quick, Cheap and Easy Recipes for the Road Warrior, I started to think of my general health. I try to run 4-5 miles a day and eat as healthy as possible while traveling. Despite these efforts, it’s important to remember that we all run the risk of having something pop up when we are out of town.
Several years ago, while on a trip to Trinidad, I started feeling a sharp pain in my back. At first it was tolerable but within 24 hours it felt like someone was stabbing me with a hunting knife. I bailed on my customer and headed back to the hotel to hopefully seek relief in a fetal position. I tried sitting, laying down, walking around, ice, and a hot shower. Unfortunately nothing seemed to work. As the pain progressed down my back and into my groin area, I finally freaked and decided to seek some medical attention.
I went to the front desk and told them that I needed to go to the hospital or see a doctor. I really, really didn’t want to go to a hospital in Trinidad and was somewhat happy when they offered to call the hotel doctor. As long as he could take the pain away, I really didn’t give a flip at this point.
The doctor arrived about an hour later toting a medical bag reminiscent of a scene from the movie Tombstone. Right away I noticed that the doc was not a local (Hong Kong) and was all business. I explained my symptoms to him using had gestures and language that would make a sailor blush. For my honesty, I was greeted with a “Drop your Pants”….. Was this a nightmare or had we quickly progressed from Tombstone to Very Bad Things??
After a few pushes on my abdomen and back, he gave me the diagnosis.
DOC Â “Kidney Stones”.
ME “Appreciate it Dr., now can I please have my Happy Ending?”
DOC “Sure, but first I need $180 cash”
ME “Deal”
As I woke up from the Morphine haze, the doc had laid on me with the prick of a needle 4 hours earlier, the pain was gone. There were 3 bags of pills on my nightstand, containing different variations of adult candy in large enough quantities to get me through the rest of my trip and the flight home to Miami.
Best money ever spent.
Have any of you ever needed medical attention while traveling abroad? What was the experience like?
Girlfriend had a horrible sinus infection in Buenos Aires. Went to the German hospital in BA, waited 5 minutes.. Dr spoke perfect English, and got a prescription.
With no int’l insurance was less than $50 US including antibiotics.. a MUCH easier process than even getting into the doctor here in the US.