It’s the beginning of 2015, which means now is the best time to get look at your credit card strategy and maximize earning points and miles as well as status with credit cards. In this credit card review series, we are taking a look at some of the credit cards in the travel space and share with you the benefits of the cards along with reasons to pick up the card or not.
In this post, we’ll look at the The Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express OPEN
The Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express OPEN New Benefits
New: Get 3x points – Choose 1 out of 5 categories
My favorite benefit of the card is the ability to select which category you’ll earn 3x points on. The categories available to choose to earn 3x points with are below:
- Airfare purchased directly from airlines
- U.S. purchases for advertising in select media
- U.S. purchases at gas stations
- U.S. purchases for shipping
- U.S. computer hardware, software, and cloud computing purchases made directly from select providers
The 3X category you pick will stay in effect until the end of the year. Then, you can pick a new category for the next year if you wish.
2X points on the 4 remaining categories
Once you select your 3x category, the other 4 categories will automatically give you 2x points. Plus, you’ll earn 1X points on other purchases
$0 Annual Fee 1st year
The card comes with a $0 fee the first year and then a $175 fee after the 1st year
KEY LINK: APPLY: The Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express OPEN
Bottom Line
I think the new chose your 3x category is a cool enhancement to The Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express OPEN. Now that you can choose your 3x category, you can really rack up points in the category that you spend the most! Prior to this change you could only earn 3X points on airfare purchased directly from airlines.
Compare more Business Card Offers here.
there are new benefits, but why are you pushing a 25k offer, when a 50k offer comes around often?
I have too many credit cards to remember… but didnt the gold offer a 2x on groceries before this change?
Now I am wondering which store will be counted as: U.S. computer hardware, software, and cloud computing purchases made directly from select providers ??