The newest Delta Diamond Devaluation regarding no more transcontinental upgrades goes into effect tomorrow, August 1st, meaning if you’re a Diamond Medallion, today is your last today to get a complimentary upgrade between JFK-LAX/SFO.
Delta Removing Diamond Medallion Upgrades on Transcon Routes
With this transcontinental upgrade change, Delta now allows both Platinum and Diamond Medallions to redeem Regional Upgrade Certificates in addition to Global Upgrade Certificates for a Delta One seat on eligible transcontinental flights, which went into effect on July 21, 2015.
However, stating tomorrow August 1st, Diamond Medallions will NO longer receive complimentary upgrades on transcontinental routes. Right now, Diamond Medallions receive complimentary upgrades on transcontinental flights between New York (JFK)-Los Angeles and San Francisco, if booked in a paid fare class, and traveling alone (without anyone else in the reservation). This has been confirmed with Delta that the current surprise and delight upgrade benefit on this will be ending, but you won’t see anything posted about this online, because it was an advertised benefit to begin with.
Bottom Line
Good bye complimentary Medallion upgrades on transcons. If you want to upgrade on JFK-LAX/SFO, you’ll have to now use either a Global or Regional upgrade certificate.
Personally, i think this is an improvement, since I would never waitlist a transcon upgrade anyway. If I can’t confirm it, I ain’t going…
I fly transcon every week and I selected Delta because of the upgrade policy. I gave them so much money to maintain my Diamond Status. I don’t mind the waitlist as I’ll understand if it doesn’t happen once in a while. I can deal with that more so than not having that option at all. As for certificate upgrades, you only get a handful. For someone who flies once a week, 8 regional upgrades is NOT enough.