As reported by Bloomberg Business, in “We’re One Step Closer to Making In-Flight Calls” you may soon be able to make phone calls during your flights. The Transportation Department has approved a proposal that says that if it is “safe and secure,” airlines should be able to decide if cellular phone calls should be allowed in flight.
Should Airlines Decide To Allow In Flight Calls?
“Airlines should be able to decide whether passengers can make phone calls during flights, a committee told U.S. regulators weighing the issue.
The Transportation Department’s Advisory Committee for Aviation Consumer Protection approved the recommendation, Chuck Ardo, a spokesman for Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who heads the panel, said in an e-mail.
The committee approved a proposal that said “if safe and secure,†the Transportation Department could let airlines decide on mobile-phone use, Kane said during a meeting that was webcast on Tuesday. The panel, which met in Washington, includes representatives of airlines and consumers, and evaluates the Transportation Department’s consumer protection programs.
The Federal Communications Commission in 2013 agreed to consider lifting its ban on in-flight calls. The proposal sparked opposition from travelers, flight attendants and others over the prospect of yapping seat mates on crammed flights. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said he would use his authority to decide whether voice calls are fair.”
– You can read the full article here, Bloomberg Business.
Bottom Line
What do you think? I can imagine sitting in first class and making a quick phone call only because you have more room and passengers are somewhat spaced out. But, the thought of passengers talking on the phone from say a middle seat in coach sounds terrible to me. You are already squeezed in so tight, that someone yammering on might tip me over the edge. Now, consider multiple people around you all talking on the phone and yikes! This will be interesting to see how this plays out. Do you think that airlines should allow in flight phone calls?
Definitely not! Like you say, we are crammed in there already, and the last thing I want is to have to listen to other people yap on their phones.