TSA appears to have dropped the ball today when a gun that was identified by a TSA agent at a DFW check point was able to make its way onto a plane. They shut down the checkpoint but oops, they forgot to shut down the terminal. Before they shut down the checkpoint, the un-identified lady…
Tag Archives for TSA.
Did The TSA Go Overboard Again And Strip Search An 85 Year Old Woman?
The 85 year grandmother from Long Island was on her way from JFK to Ft Lauderdale when she claims TSA agents pulled her into a private room and began to remove her clothes. Similar TSA abuse allegations include Miss America claiming she was sexually assaulted by the TSA and a lady claiming TSA touched her…
Its Starting – TSA To Search Subway, Car, Truck, Bus, Ferry And Plane
According to this news report, TSA has included a request in their FY 12 funding to perform “unannounced screenings” in conjunction with local law enforcement and ICE officials. This effort is part of their VIPR program and is being employed at bus stops and even some trolleys. So if you used to think you could…
TSA Has Gone Overboard – Lady Screams For Agent Arrest At Checkpoint
In this video a woman is screaming at a TSA checkpoint for the agent to be arrested because she was molested and her breast was touched. The son of the mother was filming the entire episode and was repeatedly being threatened with arrest. With Miss USA having her vagina touched and this lady’s breast groped…
Has TSA Gone Overboard – Miss USA Sexually Assulted BY TSA
What do you think, did the TSA cross the line? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmADZpqhKhQ&feature=player_embedded#at=141 I have to admit, I deliberately choose a line without the scanning machines. The last few pat downs I’ve received have been significantly different depending on which screener selects me. My favorite line: “are we going to get rectal exams at the airport”? I…