Tag Archives for TSA.

Plane Leaves DFW Gate With .38 Caliber Gun – TSA Issues Statement

TSA appears to have dropped the ball today when a gun that was identified by a TSA agent at a DFW check point was able to make its way onto a plane. They shut down the checkpoint but oops, they forgot to shut down the terminal. Before they shut down the checkpoint, the un-identified lady…

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Has TSA Gone Overboard – Miss USA Sexually Assulted BY TSA

What do you think, did the TSA cross the line? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmADZpqhKhQ&feature=player_embedded#at=141 I have to admit, I deliberately choose a line without the scanning machines.  The last few pat downs I’ve received have been significantly different depending on which screener selects me.  My favorite line: “are we going to get rectal exams at the airport”? I…

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