First International Business Class trips are always a little bit special. Whether it is the excitement of flying up front, visiting a new place, or just experiencing something new with someone you enjoy spending time with, the experience up flying up front can make it just a little more memorable. And for something else to remember the experience by, most airlines offer a Business Class amenity kit. But not all amenity kits are created equal. To illustrate this point, we ran a giveaway to give readers a chance to win one of 5 “Vintage” Delta Business Elite amenity kits or 1 of the new Tumi Delta Business Elite amenity kits.
An amenity kit often comes in varying styles and uses. The amenity kit I received from my Air Seychelles flight was twill based, cool but not very useful afterwards other than maybe a golf tee bag holder. American Airlines First Class offers amenity kits that are very useful because it doubles as an iPad case.
Anyway, the swag was not the main point. We thought it would be interesting to hear about our reader’s first International Business Class Trip. So we asked readers to comment in the official entry post with a brief story about their first Business Class trip. The responses were great and you can read each of them by clicking here to read the comments.
Congratulations To The Winners
Congratulations to the following winners who have won a Delta Amenity Kit. There were 5 winners of the Delta “vintage” amenity kits and 1 winner of the new Delta Tumi Amenity kit.
“Vintage” Amenity Kit Winners
- Carol shared her first Business Class experience: ‘I was 19 when i took my first business class on British Airway to Glasglow, UK from Singapore. The funny part was, i was paid by Motorola to hand-deliver a dedicate machinery component for them urgently. Economic class was booked out and so they paid for biz class. Once i arrived in glasglow airport, hand over the part to a Motorola staff and i went on to spent 1.5 week backpacking in UK before boarding biz class back home. At 19, that was the SWEETEST holiday job ever, my family was worried i was a drug mule…lol.“
- Doug shared his first Business Class experience: “JFK to CDG…there’s nothing like flying business/first and waking up in Paris. Went on a family vacation and sat next to my mom, who taught me what to do with the warm towel! Thanks for showing me the good life, Mom.”
- Brian shared his upcoming Business Class trip: “Haven’t had one yet
BUT, the bride to be and I will be flying ORD-HKG in first, HKG-DPS-SIN-MLE-TPE-JFK in Business come August!
- Scott C shared his first Business Class experience: “Seattle – AMS. Went SAS business class via Copenhagen. So sad that flight does not exist any more. It was a good one. I love the sites in the Copenhagen airport.”
- jessewithaj shared his upcoming First Class experience “Planning first trip with my bride to DXB on Emirates using AS miles.”
Delta Tumi Amenity Kit Winner
- Suzy shared her first International First Class Experience: “In January,1982 flew Singapore Airlines from NY to Hawaii then Hawaii to Hong Kong with a boyfriend. It was first class (no business available) but nothing like first class now. The seats were not flat beds but they reclined a bit and had foot rests and swiveled so you could have four seats face each other to eat and play cards. There was a staircase leading to the upper level with a great lounge area with drinks and snacks. 6 of us were traveling together so it was lots of fun (especially when you are 24 years old). Spoiled at a young age when it comes to flying.”
Congratulations to the winners. You will receive an email with instructions on how to claim your prize. If you didn’t win, be sure to Sign up for Email (only 1 a day) so you don’t miss out on the next one.
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Hi, i am carol, i have not been contacted on my winning for the vintage amenity kit 🙂 thanks for picking me..and i am not a drug mule 🙂