Listen to this exchange between a Delta Pilot and the Air Traffic Controller in Atlanta. The pilot is taxiing out to the runway when this exchange happened.
Click on this link and fast forward to 30:20 in the recording to listen to the start of the rant.
In summary, the pilot of Delta 2224 felt he was being given an attitude by the ATC. The pilot was taxiing out and ATC was suggesting the pilot wasn’t taking the right taxi route. The pilot ended up saying he’d Taxi any way he’d like out to the runway.
Pilot: Hey you know what? We’ll taxi out there, any way we want that you tell us to. I don’t like your attitude.
ATC:Â I don’t have an attitude. Sir I’m just saying it looks like you joined Lima instead of Mike and I’m just trying to correct you before you stay on Lima.Â
Pilot:Â Ok, because my god there is another plane out there that is like 6 miles away. Your attitude is really something sir. We’re out here on Mike. Good morning.Â
ATC: Good morning, there was no attitude. I was just trying to correct you, that’s my job….
Someone:Â Settle down captain happy.Â
Hat Tip (Airline Pilot Forums)
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