I’m an a ambitious manufactured spender. I am sure that I manufacture more than most, and a little bit less than some. Since I fly more than some, and drive less than most, I am having a hard time meeting the Chase Freedom and the Discover it® third quarter spending bonus at gas stations. Back in the day (a couple of months ago) a popular gas-and-convenience store affectionately referred to as “-4” (think about it … its the answer to a a clever mathematical equation) would sell Vanilla Reloads and PayPal Money cards and be categorized as a Gas Station purchase by the credit card company. Buy 3 @ $500 each .. and done. The problem at the -4 now is that the registers seem to be ‘hard coded’ against accepting credit cards for ‘cash equivalent’ cards. So now that we are close to the ‘half way point’ of the third quarter, I am behind. I have spent zero dollars on the Discover Card towards my 5% Cashback Bonus on $1500, and only about $300 on my Chase Freedom card towards the $1500 combinable spend between gas stations and Kohl’s department store. I am further embarrassed to reveal that of the $300 spent at gas stations, $200 of it was spend on Amazon.com gift cards. I read this thread on Flyertalk.com every couple of days, and it seems like the story is the same: YMMV. I hate to sound antsy and impatient, but that is just what I am. Frustrated by going into gas stations, and getting told it’s CASH ONLY.
Bottom Line
Some have had 3rd quarter success in spending $1500 on the Discover it® Card and Chase Freedom. Anyone have any tips or tricks? Or maybe I just need to start shopping at Kohl’s?
I actually had no issues doing above at “-4” in Chicago burbs, bought OV, limit one per visit though, successfully loaded to Serve at WM, after few attempts.
If you have a Turkey Hill near you (IN, OH, PA), they will accept CC payments for Visa GC (only have $100 though) as well as merchant gift cards, including Turkey Hill ones which also work at Kroger and Ralph’s (so 5x on groceries).
Thanks Doug. I may have to explore the Turkey Hill option if I still need to manufacture as it gets towards the end of September Spending $5.95 to $6.95 on a $100 card for 500 points is at my upper pain threshold, so I prefer to explore the Kroger and Ralph’s angle. But again, thanks for the great tip!
Wow Sophie, you’re lucky! 🙂 I read that OV has issues on-and-off at WM, so I tend to avoid that product, but for only a few cards, it may be worth it. I think I am in a funk with -4s!