Travel with children can be stressful especially when you are not prepared. Here is a checklist to get you started that can help you get ready for flights with babies and young children. Here’s hoping you have what you need when you hit the airport!
Carry On Bag
- Diapers – Â at least one for every hour that you will be traveling, plus throw in a few extra for emergencies
- Wipes, disposable changing pads and diaper rash cream
- Gallon size ziploc bags – good for everything soiled, leaky, dirty
- Blankets – good to keep baby warm, lay baby on, shade baby from sun
- Hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes
- Extra pacifiers – if applicable
- A bib, disposible placemats, sippy cup, bottles and extra juice, Â formula or milk (stored in ziploc bags)
- A couple toys
- Snacks! and baby food
- Extra change of clothes in case of diaper blowout
- Minor first aid items like infant pain reliever
- Baby carrier if your baby likes one – this is a lightweight hands-free option for walking through the airport
* Start preparing your items a few days before your trip and keep a running list as you think of things. This way you can cross them off as you pack them and hopefully won’t forget anything! Happy travels!
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