In this interview Richard Quest from CNN interviews the CEO of Delta Airlines, Richard Anderson. Richard and Richard are discussing the Open Skies Agreement and government subsidies.
Richard Quest states the argument that Delta has had their hands in the bailout trough. Richard Anderson starts off denying it as categorically false and then goes into more detail below. Watch the video and the particular points in the discussion which starts around 5:00 minutes.
“Great irony to have the United Arab Emirates from the Arabian Peninsula talk about that given the fact that our industry was really shocked by the terrorism of 9/11, which came from terrorists from the Arabian Peninsula that caused us to go through a massive restructuring”
Did he just compare the United Arab Emirates “in the Arabian Peninsula” to the terrorism of 9/11? Is that fair?
What do you think? Were Richard Anderson’s Comments Insensitive?

Hat Tip: Delta Points
He’s a typical CEO sociopath certain of his own greatness, and that every single opinion he holds on any topic, is God’s Own Truth. Usually his PR flacks and stooges tug on his sleeve and keep him from inserting foot into mouth, assistant must have been getting coffee & donuts during this interview.
If his comments were simply reductive, classless ramblings of a one-off kook, that would be one thing – but they were offered as proof that the protectionist U.S. airline market will only benefit from more restrictions, not more competition. He discredits himself and his company.
ok, this guy has to go back to the world map first to see where the countries related to AlQaeda are, then learn some simple facts about UAE and Qatar vs Saudi (his partner) and figure out who is supporting who and who was more responsible for 9/11. It is amazing to see how ignorant a world-class CEO can be. He should apologize publicly. I think this comment just killed his entire argument about unfairness from ME3…
Americans long ago gave up hiring the best and the brightest to run their corporations. Now they get the loudest and and greediest.