As reported by, passenger Zhao was traveling through Beijing Airport on August 21 when she realized that she was not going to be permitted to carry her bottle of cognac through security and on to her plane. Instead of donating it to security personnel or trying to figure out how she could ship it home, she decided to drink it….all of it!
Passenger Slams Back Bottle Of Cognac At Beijing Airport
“We’ve all been stopped at airport security with a forgotten bottle of water, which we can either toss away or drink quickly in front of airport security. But what happens if that liquid is not water, but an entire bottle of European cognac? For airline passenger Miss Zhao, there was only one solution: slam it back at once.”
“Zhao started acting wildly and yelling incoherently. Due to her massive inebriation, when Zhao fell to the floor, that’s where she stayed. When police arrived at the scene, they decided not to let her board her flight out of concern that she had become a security risk to others and herself as Zhao was travelling alone.”
Bottom Line
I’m sure some of us have been in this instance where we realized that we have something (more than a bottle of water) that is not going to make it through security in our carry on baggage. What kind of items have you had confiscated going through security and what did you do with the item?
If I ever get into a situation I cannot go through security with an item and have to leave it there I will make sure to destroy it. Sorry but I’ve seen many cases where they don’t let you in with an item and get that item for them alter. Specially booze!!! I would open the bottle and dump all the liquid in the sink and then go through security.
A friend of mine was trying to reenter the U.S from Canada. He had too much hard liquor and beer to come back without paying duty. So he went back into Canada found a campground the proceeded to get drunk. The next day he tried again to cross the border. He still had to much to get across with out paying duty. So he went back to the campground and repeated getting drunk. The third day he still was just a little bit over the limit but border patrol let him into the country. They didn’t think he could handle drinking that much booze three days in a row. This was about 40 years ago. CBP was a lot different back then. I was only asked for proof of citizenship once. The rest of the time it was where you were born. But I always had my birth certificate and voter’s registration card with me.