Malaysia Airlines

Category Archives for Malaysia Airlines.

Freddie Awards Events In Atlanta This Week

a building with cars parked in front of it

It’s that time of year again. When all of the loyalty executives from airlines, hotel and credit card companies to name a few get together to celebrate what is otherwise the “customers choice” awards of the travel and loyalty industry. The Freddie Awards converges on the great city of Atlanta this week to celebrate the annual…

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Maylasia Airline Botches Bucket List Contest

a plane on the runway

For an airline that recently post two 777 Boeing Jetliners, a contest with a focus on “Bucket Lists”, something otherwise know as what you’d like to do before you die, might not be the best approach to attract customers to your product. According to Yahoo the airline has pulled the contest: The contest, open only…

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Thoughts and Prayers about the Malaysia Airlines 777 Plane Crash

a plane on the runway

Per the New York Times, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 with 295 people aboard crashed in an eastern Ukraine wheat field near the Russian border. Ukrainian officials called the crash an act of terrorism. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of the United States, speaking in Detroit, said the plane had “apparently has been shot down. Shot…

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New Details Emerge About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

New details emerge today about the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that went missing over two weeks ago on it’s way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Per this USA Today article, the Malaysia Flight 370 ‘ended’ in Indian Ocean. A new analysis of electronic data shows that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people aboard…

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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Missing From “Deliberate Action”

According to this report and a statement from Malaysia’s Prime minister, the latest evidence to emerge around the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 points to a “deliberate action” being taken. More information is emerging and the authorities and investigators are uncovering potential directions where the plane may have traveled after losing contact. Malaysia’s prime…

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